First, Hello

I don't know where my obsession with stationery came from, but I believe everyone acknowledges the power of the written word. There's something about having control over the way you write, the words you choose and the sentiment it all holds. This special opportunity to express your feelings and connect with another person is exactly why Lowe Co. exists. To share the love, to document the moment, to elongate the emotion.


I'm a hoarder. A keeper of cards and notes and sentimental things from people I care about. It pains me to toss an artifact that took someone intentional, thoughtful movements that eventually ended up in my hands. So I have a drawer. A closet, rather. Of beautiful shapes on paper that created a warmth in my heart. I hope you understand how your unique fingerprint on paper travels into the eyes and then the soul of whom you pick to give a Lowe Co. card. Just like your intentional, thoughtful movements to choose the card, the words you write and the person, we made intentional thoughtful movements to choose the card stock, the words embossed and the person who may pick each one up.


Enough about all that mushy schtuff, now for why the messages on each card have a bit of an attitude. I snagged my husband because of my attitude. Not a mean attitude, a sassy/quirky one. I slipped him notes during my time on The Bachelor, ones that gave him an idea that I was more than just a girl that giggled all the time and had deep Seattle pride. My favorite messages include: "I'm vegan but I love the beef", "(just a simple, personal kiss mark to tell him I wanted to kiss him)", "I have decided that STUD MUFFINS are vegan. Nom." They were bold and just enough to start a conversation that didn't include how many kids we each wanted or what our family life was like. Refreshing for both of us, I think. He returned the theme by sneaking his plane ticket to me while we traveled to the US Virgin Islands and replaced "St. Croix" with "Snugglesville."


This is somewhat of an homage to my husband--sorry I said the mushy stuff was over and done with. I lied. Life is pretty mushy sometimes so deal with it. Anyway, I wanted to add some attitude to each card so you didn't have to do all the work. You could sign your name, knowing the card speaks for itself or starts a conversation that's different than expected. Now, go work on what your 4th grade teacher taught you. Handwriting.

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