Our cards are cooler than Mom tattoos

Our cards are cooler than Mom tattoos...but I guess that doesn't say much. This upcoming Sunday, we all get to celebrate moms so here's how we're making it easy to get her something beautiful that she deserves. Heck, we even created a special card here at LoweCo. because we'd be nothing without our mothers. (Truth.) We love our mothers, mothers-in-law and anyone who's been like a mother to us so let's give em something good.

Here's what's happening with LoweCo. and moms this week:



Kate Weiser Artist Collection Boxes at their Trinity Grove location in Dallas.

Kate Weiser Artist Collection Boxes at their Trinity Grove location in Dallas.

All week LoweCo. LOVELY cards will be available for purchase alongside the most beautiful, creative and flavorful chocolates you've ever laid your eyes on. You can snag a macho to go with their 35-piece Artist Collection box or a poco with a handcrafted candy bar. It's as though you're gifting your mom edible art. Kate Weiser also has a Liquor Truffle Collection (Grand Marnier and Moet are among the flavors) for those moms who enjoy a fancy cocktail or two. Don't get just get your mom chocolates and a card. Get her Kate Weiser Chocolates and a LoweCo. card.

A beauty shot of Kate Weiser's handcrafted Passion Praline candy bar.

A beauty shot of Kate Weiser's handcrafted Passion Praline candy bar.

Also, Catherine Lowe will be at their Trinity Grove location on Thursday May 5th for an hour or two so follow @lowe_co to find out exactly when she'll be there!

Trinity Groves - 3011 Gulden Ln, Suite 115 - Dallas, TX 75212 - 469.619.4929 www.kateweiserchocolate.com




Tomorrow is the latest you can order LOVELY cards and gift sets to ensure you (and she) get them in time. So grab a macho and write a lot, a poco and add it to your already well-thought-out gift, or a gift set to make the ultimate impression. Head to the SHOP page now so you don't miss out.



One of GRŌ Designs unique and artful arrangements.

One of GRŌ Designs unique and artful arrangements.

ICYMI, LoweCo. was at GRŌ Designs' Spring Floral class yesterday creating gorgeous bouquets at the instruction of their gifted florists so we oughta know that their blooms were more than special enough for Mom. They'll be assembling floral arrangements for Mother's Day this week and LoweCo. cards will be there to join in on the girly fun. Order your unique arrangement now and when you pick it up, don't forget to grab a LoweCo. card for her too.

Catherine Giudici Lowe of LoweCo. and Krisi Johnson of GRŌ designs at the Spring Floral Class on May 1, 2015.

Catherine Giudici Lowe of LoweCo. and Krisi Johnson of GRŌ designs at the Spring Floral Class on May 1, 2015.

A GRŌ-quet by Catherine Lowe with a LOVELY poco perfectly placed.

A GRŌ-quet by Catherine Lowe with a LOVELY poco perfectly placed.

GRŌ Designs - 3500 Commerce St Dallas, TX 75226 - 214.370.9846 - info@grodesigns.com www.grodesigns.com


Moms love chocolate, flowers and your sweet words so we're giving them all to you on a silver platter this week. Happy Mother's Day/Week/Year!