We're Open for Online Business!
Finally, you're able to buy LoweCo. cards on the LoweCo. website! Woohoo! We know you've been waiting a while (like three months, you excited ladies you) so we won't disappoint :)
If you haven't been able to see them in person at one of her launches or events, here are the classics:
Pocos: These little guys were the reason LoweCo. exists. Catherine Lowe (née Giudici) courted her now husband Sean with little cards with silly sayings to show she was into him. And she didn't just marry him for the puns or the company name, but it helped :) The pocos are 3x3" folded cards, blind embossed on heavy white card stock. They are elegant, cute and witty all in the tiny square package. Check out our shop for all the sayings we offer in this size.
Machos: These big guys are for the times when you want to write more and really show the recipient you love them. They are 5x5" flat cards and blind embossed on extremely heavy card stock (think wedding invitations), the machos are unique and SO fine. You'll have to draft your message ahead of time so you don't make a mistake on these luxe, high-quality cards. Actually, just hire a calligrapher because these puppies are NOICE.
Catherine Lowe with her LoweCo. card display at Milk & Honey Boutique for a Valentine's Day event.
If you have seen the cards, fell in love and want more, here's what's new:
New sayings for special occasions: Mother's Day and graduations are coming up so we wanted to create holiday cards for these special times. These are just as high-quality as the rest of the long-term cards so moms and grads will be just as supremely impressed. ISN'T SHE LOVELY and CONGRADS are available in both poco and macho sizes and come with the semi-translucent (glama) envelopes for perfect hand-delivering elegance. Mamas will be delighted, grads will hold on to it to remind them of the richer days.
Packs: Just like most things in life, three is better than one. That's why we created our packs. We have three packs: BIRTHDAY, GIRL TALK, THANKS that include three cards pertaining to the obvious occasion (BIRTHDAYS, BEING A GIRL, THANK YOUS) and in both sizes. For the poco packs of each of these styles, you get them for $12 instead of $15 if you ordered them individually and for the macho packs, they're only $21.
And who hasn't been in that gnarly situation when you needed a birthday or thank you card for an emergency and you had to run to some convenience store to get a subpar Hallmark only to just sign your name on it? We've all been there, but you can do better. Grab a pack and keep them somewhere convenient like your house, office or car. (They also come in a protective plastic liner so they'll stay nice.) You pretty much just found a $3 bill in your pocket because of our packs. Ya welcome.
Gift Sets: Now these are especial (with a chef's fingers to mouth air kiss). Each of our somewhat customizable gift sets come with 10 pocos cards and envelopes, 10 machos cards and envelopes and wait for it...an acrylic box to house them. This box is a custom square shape created to hold our cards and anything worth keeping safe. That means when you run out of the cards, you can place your nice keepsakes for display since it's acrylic. Or you can just get more cards to replace them :)
Now, what I mean by "somewhat customizable" is that you can pick which cards go in the sets. I would suggest THANKS, YOU because you always need a thank you card but it's up to you. You could be someone who is doling out YOUR TUSH IS THE ONLY ONE I WANNA SQUISH like they're free pamphlets on the street. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. We won't judge, because you obviously have good taste since you're on our site.
Happy shopping! Tag us on IG @lowe_co and on Twitter @loweco_ or with #loweco when you get them to show us how you use them! It'll be nice to see where our babies ended up :)